Life Lessons learnt (Part 1) - wisdom, knowledge, experiences, personal thoughts, learning from life.

This is a special article for me I have written to share what I learnt during my life till now. These lessons are results of my experiences which made me understand what is right for me and what I should avoid.

I was writing a few of these thoughts in my daily journal and I thought why not share it with you all. You may relate or may not but if you do then share how you relate and what happened with you that you feel the same as me. I am all ears to you.

I believe we should keep learning in life from everything and anything, people, circumstances and even objects. If it is good then it will be a blessing that we got to learn what we should do and if it is not then it's an even better blessing to have about what we must not be doing.

So here it goes…


Write what you don't want to keep on thinking about or any thought which worries you in paragraphs without thinking.

Bringing out all you have in your mind on paper helps you to clear your mind and reduces the stress. It feels like you said everything you have in your thoughts which are causing worry or some sort of tension to you to the best friend you trust upon and then you feel lighter sharing your thoughts.

It also gives clarity about your thoughts, that's why people like to write in diaries. Write roughly without thinking about how bad your handwriting is or there grammar mistakes, it's about you, your life just pour out all your emotions on that paper even if your writing is so bad that you even yourself can't read it again.

Get the burden of worrying thoughts off your shoulders by writing about it.

Write what you want to remember in bullet points.

Writing in brief what all you want to keep in your memory like important facts or any information or simply your daily to-do list  helps you remember what all needs to be done or is important and worth remembering. That's why a student preparing for examination is advised to revise his/her syllabus in points, Presentations are prepared in points, to do list is made in bullet points and even important dates like birthdays or anniversaries dates are written in short form on calendar or diary.

Don't do something for which your heart says “No”.

Your heart really gives you signal about what is right for you and what is not so it is always wise to listen to your heart especially when it say "No" about something. By following this learning I have avoided making many mistakes and you can do the same.

Try to stay financially stable having more than one source of income.

I believe and have experienced too that depending upon one source of income is not sufficient. For the reason of any uncertainty one may lose that source of income, like in the case of doing a job and then if the person will be having more sources of income, it will help him/her to reduce stress.

Invest in your health in the simplest way. Don't make your life complicated.

The simple ways we keep listening and reading about are actually right such as eating on time, having healthy meals, resting well throughout the taking small naps and taking good quality sleep for 7-8 hours at night.

 Even our parents and teachers taught us all these things when we were kids but we forget when we grow up and that causes harm to us. We all have such experiences when our health gone bad and we remember that my mother or father or grandparents use to say not to eat harmful things or not to do a particular activity which is unhealthy.

When we have such simple ways to take care of or health then why we don’t do it? And keep complicating our lives. I have seen people doing dieting starving themselves to get so called fit but what they are actually doing is harming there health when they must be doing simple things like Eating small healthy meals and snacks throughout the day along with light exercising.

 By doing so, excess weight gets reduced, body stayed energized and active; also you get good sleep at night.


Always do smart work with hard work as there was never and there never will be an easy road to success.

If you find it easy to achieve success then that must be because of your hard work done in the past making it easy for you in the present.

If you don't succeed in something or are unable to achieve an aim or goal, try to find out your mistake or where you are lacking at and keep on trying and practicing patiently and carefully, then you will be able to get what you want.

Don't cry in front of others. Why?...because if they love you they will feel pain, if they don't like you they will feel joy and think that you're a weak person and  if they don't care about you they will ignore you.

Don't share your sad feelings with people who don’t care as they have their own tensions and it will be a waste of time for you. Just share with God as God will take your all tensions and eliminate them at the right time.


Everyone has the right to live the way they want so let them have their own journey of life and you enjoy your journey or path of life, live the way you want to by taking your own decisions.

Always remember the excess of everything is bad, that is anger, care, affection, love and anything. So always be and behave balanced.


Be self - sufficient. Try not to depend on others. Do work you need to do, keep learning new right ways to succeed and reach your goals.

Don't lend money or anything to disloyal people. Be clever, polite, smart and straight forward dealing with them. Don't let them cheat you or fool you. Be strict to them if required.


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