
Showing posts with the label life

What is self-belief and how important is believing yourself in life?

What is self-belief and how important it is in life?   Topics includes:-   What is and how important is self-belief in life? How can you develop self-belie f ? Specific ways that self-belief can help you achieve your goals and make your dreams a reality. What is and how important is self-belief in life?   How important is self-belief in life? Belief is a very strong word that can make anything and everything possible in our lives no matter how difficult the circumstances are or how big our goal is. Self-belief that is believing in yourself is the foundation of success in all areas of life.  When you believe in yourself and your abilities, you are more likely to take risks, try new things, and persevere in the face of challenges. Self-belief also gives you the courage to step outside of your comfort zone, stay motivated and focused, and overcome setbacks and failures. As long as you have self-belief, you continue to learn from your challenges thi...


Ways to live a better and peaceful life   Life is always good and we are blessed to have it, it's just that sometimes the challenging circumstances, our thoughts and also some people make it different and because of such causes life may seem difficult to us, but also there are people too who lived longer and better which means in a healthy way physically, spiritually and mentally. We can always learn from them and also from our own life experiences. Here in this article I am sharing with you the " must keep in mind " points if we want to live a better and peaceful life…   1.  Keep your mind calm, receptive and be accepting  about other people. Having an open mind means not judging people or their opinions before thorough consideration. Listen to others or just observe them before forming a judgement. It is not necessary that you will agree with them and their opinions but by just accepting them the way they are  and their tho...

Life Rules

Here in this article I am sharing some of my life rules which I learnt and some of which I made for myself to become a Better person so that I can better conduct myself. Some of these I learnt from unfair treatment from people around me and some I realized  from failures. You can also adapt these and apply in your day-to-day life easily and mindfully. ‍‍‍‍ Work hard smartly in the present and make your present life successful. Like we already know that the past is already gone and practically it isn’t here but most of us still live in the past and just keep thinking about the future when we know that nobody knows the future really except God some gifted physics so because of that we have to realize that what we actually have is present and make most of it. Learn from the past mistakes and do hard work smartly in your present without limiting yourself to make your life blissful. When you complete your tasks smartly saving your time and energy you feel happy and content...