
Showing posts with the label Why is prioritizing health important? Importance of health

Health comes first! How to prioritize health and Why is prioritizing health important?

Health is a state of being, that is it is our overall condition mentally, physically and spiritually. When we are in good condition completely then we are called healthy or that we have good health. What benefits prioritizing health care first provides? Have you ever thought or noticed that legendary people, who inspire us, give their health their first priority? They do various activities such as waking up early on a regular basis, reading books, exercising, following the right diet, focusing on goals and spending time with family. They do all this not just for their profession or personal life but also as self-care practices. This keeps them mentally and physically fit to face the challenges in life and also in their respective careers.   What happens when we stop giving priority to our health? When such people don't give their health priority then they also lose everything so fast and we also get to see their downfall in various media platforms. They may still...