
Showing posts with the label cleaning-and-organizing.

Clean and tidy up your space. Why you should clean up your space? How clean space helps us in life?

Why it is important to keep our surroundings clean and in order? Everything is easily accessible and easy to find things. When you think of being productive and watch a video or read a book about self-improvement and then next you think of doing exercise and go to pick up your sports shoes to wear and then you realize that you have no idea about where those shoes are and then you keep searching and searching. Even when you ask your family members where those particular shoes are,  they give you cold looks and that moment you realize that your messy dirty room is the cause of that look and no one wants to help you to find those shoes. So when you start cleaning and organizing your space/room then you also start finding things you felt are lost or you were not able to find because of the mess. A clean, well-organized space makes everything easily accessible as you  assigned a specific spot for the things you use regularly or frequently such as books on the bookshel...