Clean and tidy up your space. Why you should clean up your space? How clean space helps us in life?

Why it is important to keep our surroundings clean and in order?

Everything is easily accessible and easy to find things.

When you think of being productive and watch a video or read a book about self-improvement and then next you think of doing exercise and go to pick up your sports shoes to wear and then you realize that you have no idea about where those shoes are and then you keep searching and searching. Even when you ask your family members where those particular shoes are, 

they give you cold looks and that moment you realize that your messy dirty room is the cause of that look and no one wants to help you to find those shoes. So when you start cleaning and organizing your space/room then you also start finding things you felt are lost or you were not able to find because of the mess.

A clean, well-organized space makes everything easily accessible as you  assigned a specific spot for the things you use regularly or frequently such as books on the bookshelves, water bottle on side table, shoes on shoes shelves etc. Plus no one gives you weird rude cold looks because everyone feels happy the way you keep your space tidy and clean.


Saves time.


Clean and tidy space saves a lot of your time and helps in keeping you punctual because everything will be organized and clean and as you don't have to spend excess time in finding things you need, it saves time. The most relevant example I can give you is morning when we have to get ready to go office, and we get late because the unclean room contributed to take more

 time doing things which usually takes less time like wear wrist watch as you couldn't find it as you even don't know it has fall down and is under the table or your shirt you were about to wear but it became dirty as you kept it in a dirty surface which has coffee stains on it. A clean space directly and indirectly saves a lot of time.

Keeps away dust and allergies.


Clean area especially if it where we spend most of our time in is very crucial to keep us away from infections. The dust, germs causing allergies, bacteria and especially viruses stay away from us if the space is clean and disinfected and that's how we stay at ease and away from "disease".


Good for the mind, makes you feel calm and relaxed.

A clean space is not only good for our physical health but it is highly beneficial for our mental health as well. In a clean and nicely organized space there is a kind of serenity which is pleasurable to our eyes and our mind too. When everything is clear and there is no mess then in our mind we also get a feeling of calmness, clarity and relaxation.

Increases productivity.


With clean and tidy space comes productivity in our day-to-day lives. It automatically contributes to our productiveness as it motivates us to do things which are creating mental blocks in our mind. When we put efforts and time cleaning and organizing our space and the result we get from doing 

so gives us motivation to do others things as well which because of maybe dirty place and mess was stopping us to do. For an example, when we start cleaning our room and suddenly find old book or things related to our hobbies we again feel like reading more books or enjoying our hobbies again and that's how our life shifts from being dull and messy to being productive. 


Also as clean environment is good for our physical and mental well-being (discussed above) we automatically start performing our tasks in better manner and that's how our productivity is enhanced on daily basis.


Clean space makes you more socially confident.

Have you faced a situation when your house is dirty and everything is unorganized everywhere especially in the kitchen and living room and a call comes from your friends or relatives that they are coming to meet you and you start thinking about excuses to say no them as you feel uncomfortable any guest coming in your house because it's is so messy. And even worse

 situation when dirty plates are lying on the table, no swiping and mopping done from past few days and your house is looking and even smelling bad and suddenly your loved ones or neighbors comes and knocks your door and you get shocked to see them and in your head you're thinking "oh my God! why they have come right now?" and wants to talk to about something sitting with you in your house and you can't think of any excuse to make 

them go back and you welcome them in a fake welcoming tone and when they come in you try to keep the dirty plates in the kitchen and clean the area so that they can sit and even spray room freshener to make the bad odor because of the dirtiness in the house go away.

 And how embarrassed you feel and keep thinking when they will go. All these feelings and excuses are because of the unclean house. Talking to people meeting them, having get together in your place is good for them and for you too (but not if some of them are toxic though) and everyone should

 meet their loved ones keeping social distance now days (safety instructions from Covid-19, each life is important) and you feel not meeting and socializing in your house or your space just because you feel socially embarrassed and under confident to welcome them. So when your space is

 clean then you feel actually good when your loved ones come to meet you and it gives you great social confidence and when they appreciate you for how your house is so cleaned and organized, you feel appreciated too.

That's how a clean and tidy space provides us social confidence.


Gives you a sense of achievement.

After cleaning our space we feel as if we have achieved something and yes it not less than an achievement that we put efforts and clean our space make it look, smell and feel good.


Helps in enhancing our creativity skills.

When we start cleaning, we get various ideas of how we can keep a thing in a better way, what else we can do to make it look better and that's how we start using our imagination and even decorate our space according to our choice making it look beautiful and use our creativity for doing so. I like to 


use stuff which we usually throw away and make something useful out of it. Such as using kitchen paper roll cardboard and making pen holders from it. So that's how me and everyone else who likes to create things out of trash can enhance their creativity and create new things.

Gives you happiness.

All the above points will make you feel that clean and organizing our loved personal space gives us immense happiness and joy.


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