Ways to live a better and peaceful life


Life is always good and we are blessed to have it, it's just that sometimes the challenging circumstances, our thoughts and also some people make it different and because of such causes life may seem difficult to us, but also there are people too who lived longer and better which means in a healthy way physically, spiritually and mentally. We can always learn from them and also from our own life experiences.

Here in this article I am sharing with you the "must keep in mind" points if we want to live a better and peaceful life…


1. Keep your mind calm, receptive and be accepting about other people.

Having an open mind means not judging people or their opinions before thorough consideration. Listen to others or just observe them before forming a judgement.

It is not necessary that you will agree with them and their opinions but by just accepting them the way they are and their thoughts is a better, peaceful and easier way to live life. It keeps you mentally cool even if you don't agree with someone and also lets you learn from them.

2. Don't be afraid of change and be open to change with the changing times.

Change for betterment is not bad; you may feel uncomfortable initially because of unfamiliarity.

 For example if you're trying to improve your skills and changed your routine to practice your skills more than you usually do then it will benefit you. Also with changing times we should accept the reality and try to adapt what’s new happening and change to live peacefully.

3. Don’t be too strict with yourself.

Have your favorite food sometimes because some calories are good for health. Don’t make yourself feel punished. It is not bad if you eat your favorite food which may not seem healthy like pasta or burger etc. once in a while. It will not harm your health and also will improve your mood. But don't do that excessively.

4. Walk/exercise, meditate and even dance for 30 minutes every day.

Any kind of movement or sports is good for health, physically and mentally. It keeps you healthy, active and uplifting. Also helps in improving your immune system.

Activities like meditation and yoga keeps our mind serene and focused. It also helps to increase mental strength. Yoga is good for body flexibility too. Add any form of exercise is good even just brisk walking or dancing in your room on your favorite upbeat songs to keep your body active and do it for 30 minutes daily or at least 5 times a week.


5. Never pay attention to what people will say about you.

What people say about you is none of your business unless they are very important people in your life who know you well enough like family and true close friends. So don't care about what others will say about you and just do your own thing best.

Here I would like to share an experience about which I was thinking last night after so many years, while studying college I made new friends who in the end of the session wrote messages in my dairy as memory to keep.

One of my friend wrote something rude about me in the diary about which I felt really sad but then I spoke about this to my childhood best friend who is also my school time friend and her reaction changed my thoughts, she just said that your college friend just don’t know you and it’s such a wrong opinion she has about you (my best friend said all this in funny way so my feelings changed and my mood became happier from sad in a second) and then I realized that people who actually know you and also want to see you happy in life matter the most and what they think about is important.

The opinion of people who are in your life for their own selfish motives or convenience are not important and what they say or think about you does not matter, so it is good to not pay any attention what they say about you.

6. Don't take life too seriously.

Life shouldn't be taken very seriously. Be serious about it but not too much. Just value life and also have fun and try to enjoy life on a daily basis. Be grateful for the life you have and blessed with by God.

7. Don't keep regrets in your mind and learn from the past mistakes. Just stop regretting as it is of no use. It will only create negative emotions which are not good for you. Better is to forgive yourself and accept the positive about every situation and learn from the past mistakes to keep improving yourself.

8. Stay positive. Accept positivity and try to eliminate negativity from your life or just replace the negative with some positive. For example, replace an old unproductive habit with a new positive and productive one.

9. Stay well hydrated and also eat healthy, fresh and home cooked food most of the time. What we eat is as important as food keeps us alive and has the power to kill us too if we misuse it and choose wrong type of food to feed ourselves. So choose better what to eat on daily basis. Have your meals on time. 

Learn cooking as it will help you to decide and also cook food for yourself so that you'll be able to take care of your health. Always remember, if you have good health then you can have anything.

10. Focus on being wealthy rather than just being rich in life. Be wealthy relationship-wise, health-wise, knowledge-wise and yes financially too.

These are some of the ways I think by which we can live a better life and also here I want to share that try to listen to people who have lived longer or read about how they lived their lives and what they suggest or advice to live a meaningful good life. They also have been through thick and thin but lived life beautifully.

 I sometimes watch documentaries or videos available online about their lives to understand how they lived better and peacefully and you can watch them too. Even babies can teach us a lot, especially about not worrying and being in the moment enjoying little things in our daily life.


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