You do have enough time.

 Understand what happens when you remind yourself that you do have enough time available to you for everything yo want to do achieve in life.

Yesterday I was thinking of doing household chores which have been pending for the last four days as my father was unwell and I was busy taking care of him.

I was feeling so exhausted thinking that I have so much work to do at this time also when I am working from home where home is also an office and we delay carrying out official work due to distractions at home.

And then I got a call from my best friend who lives in another state that she is going to come to meet me and my family tomorrow at my place. I was really happy that she was about to come to meet me but I started feeling more overwhelm that I have to clean the house and make it organized.

The night of that day I didn't slept properly because of all the thoughts coming into my mind about cleaning my house, cooking lunch, doing other household chores, completing urgent work to send to client and even grooming myself to look nice to her as she'll see me after a long time when my environment was appearing like a chaos.

So now the next day began and I made a to-do list to help myself focus on all the work I had to do. There were many tasks which I wanted to complete but the major task out of my list was mopping the floor and again I started thinking that I don't have enough time to do so as there are so many things to do and I kept on overthinking and started making excuses to myself so that I don't have to mop the floor and also thought of delegating the task but there was no one whom I could've asked to do it for me.

That phase of overthinking took a lot of time and I realized that I didn't even had my breakfast and spent around 45 minutes just worrying about how I'll mop the floor, which is just a daily household thing to do. But then I decided that it was important to do so because my house was looking like a mess and the floor was messier because of dirt stains on it.

So I took a deep breath and started doing mopping and after completing it I checked the clock and noticed it took only 25-30 minutes to mop the floor of all the rooms and kitchen, that was the moment I understood that we actually have enough time almost always to complete the task we want to complete, it just that we procrastinate and overthink that there is no sufficient time available to us and feel overwhelmed about it.

It's exactly like you are hungry and you have the right amount of tasty healthy food but you don't have the time to put the food into your mouth to feed yourself.

Don't we think like this about every area of our life?

Imagine what will happen when you feel like this and you remind yourself that there is always enough time and the only task I have is to “just begin ".

Let's understand this wonderful concept by applying it to different sections of our life and types of thoughts.

Work (office work) - Sitting on your desk you may think that the work you need to do is too much and will take a lot of time and you may have to do overtime to complete it. While thinking that you randomly start browsing internet and wasting time and then your boss interrupts you and ask you about the work and then you make an excuse to save yourself from the situation.

That time if you remind yourself that there is enough time available to you and you should start working without worrying about completing it and then work being focused, you will see that you have actually have been able to complete your work before the time deadline given to you and will feel a sense of accomplishment. After that when you’ll report your manager or your boss about it you will get appreciated about your efficient working (applicable if the boss is a good and appreciating boss only!).

This may increase chances for you to get increment too in future in the company. Isn't that amazing?

Just by reminding yourself that there is enough time and you need not to worry about it and just work properly without being distracted you changed the whole mind-set and even created opportunities and upcoming rewards for you.

Self-care: many of us tend to become lazy and think that there is other important work to do and by thinking like that we avoid taking care of ourselves. If you are one of them then remind yourself that the most important person in your life is you and when you'll care about yourself then only you'll be able to care about others or if you yourself are fine and healthy then you can do other important work you want to do then you'll see a major change in yourself and that you become a better person and living a better life just by spending time to do self-care.

Self-care doesn't mean being selfish, it is that you are giving importance to yourself and taking care of your own body which you live in your entire life and mind.

Studies/learning something new: If you're already a student or a working professional who wants to learn and study a subject or a new skill to become more knowledgeable and skillful overthink about not having enough time to do so then you lose the opportunity to make yourself better by not investing your time in improving your knowledge and skill.

Tell yourself there is enough time and just decide when or at what hour you can spend to learn even if it is just one hour and then sincerely learn or study during that hour. By doing so you will see that you have improved and learnt a lot and this opens new productive possibilities for you to succeed in life.

Well these were just few examples or aspects of our life where we may tend to overthink and not take action by excusing to ourselves and to others that we don’t have time or are too busy to perform required action.

In all aspects of life if we deliberately tell our-self that we have the time to work on what we have to do then our world can become different and even better for ourselves and people around us.


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