Life Rules

Here in this article I am sharing some of my life rules which I learnt and some of which I made for myself to become a Better person so that I can better conduct myself.

Some of these I learnt from unfair treatment from people around me and some I realized from failures. You can also adapt these and apply in your day-to-day life easily and mindfully.

‍‍‍‍Work hard smartly in the present and make your present life successful.

Like we already know that the past is already gone and practically it isn’t here but most of us still live in the past and just keep thinking about the future when we know that nobody knows the future really except God some gifted physics so because of that we have to realize that what we actually have is present and make most of it.

Learn from the past mistakes and do hard work smartly in your present without limiting yourself to make your life blissful.

When you complete your tasks smartly saving your time and energy you feel happy and content and it is not less than an achievement.

Earn Money for confidence.

Money not just fulfils your needs but it also gives you the confidence to fight the difficult times being sane enough that if anything goes wrong and unfavorable in life that you can take right action to solve the situation feeling confident that and know that you can actually do something to handle the circumstances in the right way.

When my father started having breathing issues, I was worried but calm because I knew he needed proper diagnoses and I had the money which I earned that time from my job of business development  to spend for his treatment, so my earning gave me confidence that of not fearing about how I will get my father treated and cured.


Take care of self don’t depend upon others anyway.

When you do self-care then you stay in good condition physically, mentally and even spiritually. You feel productive, active and also feel self-sufficient financially then you don’t need to depend on others as I believe support is always good.

Everyone should support each other but being dependent can be harmful especially in long run. There are many ways you can do so and the first step is treating yourself good and thinking of self positively.

Treat your body as the beautiful place you live in, keep it clean and organized wearing clean clothes and practicing proper hygiene.

Keep it active by exercising regularly and feeding it well. Meditate and pray daily, talk to your creator and thank God the higher energy then all of us for blessing you with what all you have. I thank God for giving me family, friends, food, home, education and this amazing life.

So taking care of yourself gives you self-satisfaction. It’s a way of showing love to self and when you do so you feel good and perfectly healthy then you become productive in your work too and it has positive impact on your professional life and then you don’t have to depend upon others. This leads to enhancement in your self-belief and makes you a confident person.

Don't try to please others, especially those who really don’t deserve your attention or presence.

Firstly it is impossible to please each and every person you know or who knows you not because you are bad or not worth of their appreciation but it is so because of their own personal experiences, likes, dislikes and thoughts. So don’t ever get bothered if you know that you didn’t made a mistake or did something wrong and a person is not liking you and giving you cold vibes.

It can be simply because the person is misunderstanding you because of his or her personal negative experiences or thoughts. Just do not react or respond to them and carry on with your tasks of the day.

Misery begins when you start having the thought of pleasing others and especially those who really don’t care about you.

Thinking about doing something or achieving a goal which will make your parents proud and happy is a different  thing and a good thought but thinking about adapting a bad habit like smoking or wear a certain type of outfit just to please your peers is totally wrong and harmful for your own mental peace.


Don't share your bank a/c details exactly.

You never know what other person’s thoughts are or what he or she is going through and secretly keeping a vested interest so better is to stay vigilant and not share all your bank or financial details to anyone, because most of the time the person who betrays is somebody known to us, so why to take any risk?

Better to keep your financial details to yourself and write it in diary or application if you prefer the digital way, but make sure the diary must have a lock and the application also is password enable to protect your details to get shared with others against you consent.


 And if you have to share it with someone like a close family member ten don’t share it exactly, don’t tell him/her everything.

Here I am not saying everyone is bad or disloyal but many ties it happens that the other person starts taking you and your finances for granted and uses your earned money recklessly, that is why you have to behave vigilantly about your financial wealth around others. 


For example, a trustworthy spouse who knows all your bank details may spend all your earning on shopping for lottery ticket which you know is not right especially without you knowing because they took you for granted resulting wasting your money.

Have more sources of income. Rightly and legitimately!

By having more sources of income you don’t need to worry about any one source of income if it shut downs or there is a downfall in earnings through it.

 You can still feel relaxed because you have other sources of income and also keep working on the building new sources of income or change strategy to increase income again from that source which was not giving you expected revenue. It’s also important that all sources of incomes are fair and the revenue earned through it is genuinely earned.

Some people get into fraud policies to have more income and the ultimately they have to face consequences because of it.

Write in the comment section what life rules you follow and suggest for others too to live a better, peaceful daily life. How you learnt it? Why you think it’s important and makes life better when you follow it?


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