What to do when you can't sleep at
night having different thoughts?#present situation
It happens with me most of the time that at night my brain does not just
wants to sleep and so any thoughts about various aspects keeps coming inside my
head and I pray to God for peaceful sleep. To let you know, no I don't have
insomnia but I have an active brain which sometimes doesn't let my thought
process to shut down.
To find the answer first you have to ask why you are not feeling sleepy yet.
Answer lies in different questions which you may ask yourself. Example ...
Did I slept in the morning or during day time?
Did I have to do a task which I haven't been able to do which is creating so
many thoughts about it and I may feel calm only after I complete it?
Did I ate too much or too less because of which I am facing trouble in sleep
So like this you can ask several questions to yourself why you can't sleep
tonight. Believe me you have the answer and you know it...right?
Now the other part of the situation is finding solution to it and following are some suggested solutions according to my personal experience.
(1) Right your thoughts and take them out of your head.
Take a note book or a notepad app and write all your thoughts randomly. Write
each and every thought which is bothering you at the present moment. Pour your
heart out in that piece of paper or I may say the whole note book...well it
depends on the numbers and length of your thoughts and what all you feel
like writing, isn't it?
(2) If possible do or complete the task you haven't completed right now when you're fully awake. So this depends completely on the type of task and you’re surrounding presently.
You may had to do one hour Zumba
dance workout and you missed it today morning due to some reason or merely due
to lethargy and now you're having the guilt that you didn't do it and thoughts
about it are bothering you making you feel like doing that Zumba dance routine
on loud music at 2:30 am at night, so let me tell you that won't be possible
because if you do so then your spouse may leave you or your parents will throw
you out of there house...just joking or your neighbour may file a complaint
against you to the I am serious! This can happen for
sure. Telling you as I am personally experienced you know.
But if you have not wrote an article
about how to effectively do Zumba dance for your website or blog then you can
do so presently and complete your task if it's bothering you and doesn't
letting you sleep as I am also righting this blog post at 12:37AM because I
haven't wrote it in the morning. When you will complete you're task you'll feel
relaxed and then will be able to sleep calmly.
(3) There was a time when I use to feel stressed about various things in life that time what I did was I downloaded an social app and I use to just post on it telling what I felt that time, that helped me to take out what I had in my heart and I felt like I shared it with real people not talking to an AI. But righting thoughts, daily journaling or righting whenever you feel like getting rid of the thoughts is the best and the right thing to do or text a best friend whom you can talk to at night just share some happy memories or what you feel like sharing with your bestie is also great way to make yourself relaxed and sleep better.
(4) Listen to soothing music and enjoy listening to it...don't listen to sad songs please. Pick the song which makes you imagine better and positive and makes you feel relaxed. It will uplift your mood make you feel calm. I even listen to holy songs it makes me feel connected and protected by my creator. You can do the same.
(5) Read your favorite book or if you want to read a school book of that subject which you never liked, believe me you'll sleep instantly...he he.
Seriously saying read a positive book or a book of your interest which can divert your mind from the thoughts bothering you presently.
(6) Pray, talk to the creator. Tell God everything you have in your heart, about all your thoughts and if you're tensed about anything then just tell God about it and leave everything up to our creator and keep faith. Practice gratitude and thank for everything you're blessed with.
Share what you do when you are in this situation.