How achieve productivity and efficiently work from home?

How to efficiently work from home?

‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍Whether you're self-employed or you work as freelancer or your organization allows you to work from home, you have to master the art of working from home for maximum benefit and productivity in your career. Nowadays, when the ways of working has changed so drastically, working from home has become a requirement. Here, you have to master balancing household work and office work. You can do it using some ways and those are as follows:-

1. Follow your To-do-list for the day:

Importance of to-do list making and following should not be taken lightly. It gives you a direction to follow the whole day to make it more productivity and preventing you from feeling lost. It’s exactly like writing steps to take to reach your day’s goals whether it’s related to work or your personal life.

Take your note book and pen, write all the tasks you have to do during the whole day, note each and every minor and major work you are going to do in points. After doing this check what are the tasks which are most important and urgent to do and highlight them.

To write your daily to do list you can use applications too which will help you record every tasks and will give you reminder too for that. You can use apps which lets you record high priority tasks separately so that you don’t get caught with the long list not knowing which task is most important.

2. Prioritizing the maximum productivity providers: 

Now arrange the tasks according to its importance and urgency.

Prioritize household tasks and work tasks separately. Remove those tasks which are neither important nor urgent. When you have fewer priorities during the day, it is easy to focus on each task and complete it effectively. Having so much to be done when you are working from home can be overwhelming where you have to keep balance in your work and in your daily family and house related work. 

Once you are clear with your priorities for the day , then just start doing and completing your task one-by-one and after doing each single task just cut it on the list so that you know what is next to do and also feel happy about your achievement of completing higher priority tasks.

At the end of the day go through your list and forward the tasks which couldn’t complete to the next day and the next day follow the same process but make sure to highlight and complete urgent and important tasks first to have maximum productivity.

3. Scheduling and giving time slot to complete everything you want to do in a particular day:

Schedule every activity in an estimated time period. For example, "checking office emails - 9 AM to 10 AM"; “Cooking lunch 12 PM to 1 PM”. By scheduling your time wisely, you will become clear that at work what time you will do which task and will not wander thinking and wasting time on thinking what to do next and when. Scheduling is planning how you are going to invest your time efficiently and keeping clear vision about it.

4. Organizing:

Organizing your environment always helps as by removing the clutter around helps you stay motivated to do your work properly. When you think of doing your work and you see a messy work does, you feel like not doing anything and lethargic and then many excuse a starts coming into your mind giving us a signal that there is so much to do and the your house environment is not fine presently to work. 


All this starts building frustration in your mind which gradually starts affecting your work productivity and also your health. On the other hand when you see a clean, well-organized work desk, you feel motivated to work on it and complete your task which helps you improve your productivity, peace of mind and health.

5. Developing routine: 

One must develop routine that is rituals or tasks or I may say habits which a person does on daily basis.  Have routine for necessary daily personal and professional tasks. It can be developed gradually day by day when you perform the same tasks everyday on a specific period of time and then it becomes daily habit. 

For example, waking up early for internal conference meeting which can be done though the medium of video conference nowadays becomes daily habit when you perform it every day. Routine helps you define your daily tasks and makes every task a habit then it doesn't feel like you doing work.

7. Informing family and friends:

Friends and family members should be informed in advance that you are working from home and you have divided your every day's 24 hours specifically in different work hours and household work. This is how they will not bother you when you are working and they will also know when you are going to stay available for them. This helps in keeping work life and family life balance.

8. Focusing:

When you are working from home, you should avoid doing multi- tasking and should focus on one task at a time and should try to finish it first before jumping to another one. Focus on work only in work time and house or personal work in your personal time as you have decided according to your scheduled to do list.


9. Update your to do list ever day according to the tasks you have to perform and schedule it accordingly and stick to your decided to-do-list as at home it is very easy to feel lethargic because home is where you find relaxation and get distracted also quite easily as you have almost everything you need around. So keep your work area bit separate.

10. Take care of your health too don’t ignore it because of so much to do, because when you have good health you can anything. 

While working, don't forget to have your meals properly, exercising, sleep well, having short breaks meanwhile and practicing daily hygiene. Enjoy work and family life both; this is how you will stay stress free and active. 


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