What is the Purpose of examination in life?
Since childhood we have become familiar with the
word exams. For some people exams are a source of challenges, evaluation improvement
and preparation and for others for most of them it is a source of pressure and
maybe a burden.
Have you ever thought about the purpose of an
examination? In other words, what exams prepare you for life? It is surely
related to scores percentage and lets us know how we will know about a
particular subject or topic. But have you ever thought that it may have a
higher purpose that is it can be useful in our day to day life?
Examinations are not just important for us when we
were child but also when we grow up and actually at each and every phase of
life in our highs and lows.
In this article we are going to learn about how it is helpful to us in every stage in life when we were child or when we were teenager, when we grow up and become adults and even in our old age in every time when we are facing
difficulty or any kind of challenge how these examinations
which have how this examination have prepared us to find the lows of a life and
enjoying the highs of our life.
What it teaches us in real life (also out of school
colleges and institutions)?
a reason or a purpose.
Examination gives us a reason to work hard and perform
our best. It also lets us know our self-worth and capabilities to fight our failures and not
give up in challenging situations.
to prepare.
Examinations help us to build a mind-set to prepare for the coming challenges. In other words, it makes our mind aware about the challenges to come or may come which we have to face in order to achieve our goals. In life when we face challenges
our subconscious mind is already aware about the
feeling of how it feels about being challenged and then it becomes easy for us
to tell our brain to be prepared for the upcoming challenge and we get into a
flow state that is a mind-set to deal with the scenario.
self-doubt and building self-belief.
We often doubt whether we are capable of something or not. In exams we feel that we may not be able to perform well in it and password but when we attempt keeping faith in what we read, learnt and prepared we overcome those doubts.
In life this happens a lot of times when we doubt
ourselves about our knowledge and by attempting the exam or I will say facing
the challenge we overcome those doubts.
For example, you have a presentation to prepare for which you have to give in front of dignitaries and this presentation is crucial for growth of your career, but you feel doubtful that what knowledge you have about the topic is sufficient or not or whether you may be able to give the presentation the way it should be given.
But when you go on stage or into the
conference hall keeping faith on your knowledge and preparation and give the
presentation and the audience relate with you and understand what information
you are providing them then you see your doubts getting vanished.
to do planning.
Examination builds an intention in your mind to do
planning about how you will reach your goal. In life when we have to do
something to prove ourselves we have to have the intention first to plan about
it and do the planning. The emotion behind that plan makes us design the right
plan for us and helps us in succeeding.
Exams make you see your goals clearly. It helps in setting goals or standards you want to reach. In any exam whether academic, professional or related to self-development we need to set a goal we want to achieve.
If we don't know what exactly we want then how we will get it or what
is our destination then how we will reach there? Exams give us an opportunity
to know and decide what we want to have and what we actually have in the
current moment.
For example, while participating running a marathon an athlete with giving his full effort and putting his whole energy won a bronze medal (so here the marathon is an exam for him) and then he understands with the experience of participating that marathon that in what areas he need to improve and by doing so he sets his goal to achieve Gold in the next marathon.
So the past examination (previous marathon) helped him examine his
capabilities and set his new goal, which is winning a Gold medal in the next
examination (next marathon).
Examination gives the opportunity to learn, try and
even build new strategies to succeed in the task.
This strategy helps us in achieving our goal with
minimum efforts and provides us maximum results.
It is different from planning as in planning we
decide what we have to do pre-examination, how to perform the strategy and what
to do post-examination but strategy lets us decide how we will perform during
the exam, in other words while giving the exam the strategy increases our
chances to win.
For example, while writing an exam paper the student
attempts the questions whose answers he knows best and saves time and later he
attempts other questions about which he may not have enough knowledge, so by
attempting all the questions he increases the chance of getting more marks in
the subject.
In our day to day we have to give so many exams.
Such as mother doing multitasking as she have to prepare lunch for her child,
and making the child getting ready for school and do her daily chores makes a
strategy of delegating tasks to other family members, teaching child to wear
his/her own uniform, meanwhile she makes the lunch and keep the lunch box in
the bag pack of her kid. So this daily exam gives her an opportunity to build a
strategy to complete necessary tasks and also teach her kid skills.
modifying and problem solving.
Would you look for the solution of a problem if it
is not challenging you in any way? The answer is probably "no"(yes
only if you're curious). When there is an exam only then we try to learn and
find ways to solve a problem.
Examination lets us look carefully at what can be
the right solution to a problem and what are the ways available to solve a
problem and then we modify it according to what we feel is right and as per our
knowledge and experiences and hence it helps in problem solving.
and memorizing.
While preparing for and facing an exam we learn new
skills, gain knowledge and through practice we naturally get to memorize it.
us to work under pressure.
This is the best purpose of the examination according to me. It prepares us to face and work efficiently under pressure in difficult situations.