
Showing posts from January, 2022


There are different definitions of Law of Attraction to different people and their definition depends upon what their experiences had been or what their beliefs are about the Law of Attraction. To me in simple words it implies that what you think about and give energy to using your thoughts, words and actions you attract it towards you in real life . You make it a reality for you. It can be something desirable or undesirable but this law always keeps on working and you keep attracting things, people and events matching your thoughts. You may receive the result in a second, minute, day; month or years but you will receive it. It depends on how strong and non-resistant your belief is. That’s how some people with faith in divine, positivity, consistency and meditation recover from chronic diseases which wasn’t possible when they were only focusing on what bad was happening with them. This law has always been here in the universe and we all are using it since we are born ...


10 super effective habits to change your life.   Habits are the key to become a winner or a looser. When you choose to embrace and follow positive effective habits you give yourself direction to become your highest self and not only you make your own life a lot better but you help others as well to become better.  Practicing good and effective habits is a way to show care for oneself and to everybody you care for. Sharing with you 10 effective habits which if you adapt effectively will change your life in fantastic way and bring abundance to you.   1.      Meditate daily . Meditating daily is a great way to enhance your physical and mental health. I think it is best that you do meditation daily for at least 15 minutes or if you feel good you can do it for more time and feel yourself in the present moment being new you, relaxed and refreshed.   2.      Have a productive task list for the week . Make a...