10 super effective
habits to change your life.
Habits are the key to become a winner or a looser. When you choose to embrace and follow positive effective habits you give yourself direction to become your highest self and not only you make your own life a lot better but you help others as well to become better.
Practicing good and effective habits is a way to show care for
oneself and to everybody you care for. Sharing with you 10 effective habits
which if you adapt effectively will change your life in fantastic way and bring
abundance to you.
Meditate daily. Meditating daily is a great way to enhance your
physical and mental health. I think it is best that you do meditation daily for
at least 15 minutes or if you feel good you can do it for more time and feel
yourself in the present moment being new you, relaxed and refreshed.
Have a productive
task list for the week. Make a list of
actions which only includes high priority tasks which are urgent and super
important which will bring super productivity in your life. Make sure to finish
the list till end of the week that is the working day such as Friday and then
in the weekend go through that list and see what positive outcome you got being
productive the whole week completing the tasks you written in that list, then
feel accomplished that you are finished that list and reward yourself with
something you really like.
Repeat the
process and think about the next week, create a new list for the week of
success. Stay on the track with the list and you will see your year will progress
so much effectively.
Wake up early, (get
up, and don’t just wake up).
Have more time for yourself or everything you want to do or wish to do or
Have your me
time, meditate, write your thoughts, do anything which makes you feel that you
are worthy of a great life.
Design your day,
create a mind-set for the day and follow it. See here early doesn't mean that
you use to wake up at 2 P.M. every day and now you are waking up at 11 A.M.,
well it is an accomplishment too but it is better to wake up at a time when you
can actually call it an early morning time that is from 5 A.M. till 7:00 A.M.
Wake up when you
know the morning is all yours. For me its 6 A.M. and 6 to 7 A.M. everyone in my
house is asleep, so I feel like it's my time only. I can do whatever I want to
So I drink water
calmly. Thank God for a new day and a new opportunity, to do my deep breathing.
Write my happy thoughts and also my personal and professional intention for the
I know it's hard
at first but if you keep doing this regularly then you will make it a habit and
feel so amazing about your life the way you never felt before.
Make sure not to
hit that snooze button. Don’t hit the snooze button just stop doing it because
it will make it more difficult for you to install this amazing habit of waking
up early in your daily life so never ever snooze.
Keep your
environment accessible. For
example, keep your day time clothes for the next day out the night before, keep
your floss near the toothbrush instead of keeping it in the drawer so that you
will just pick it and floss. These small changes you can make to make your
brain feel that everything is so easy and there is no hard work to do and that
is how you will create a habit of everything you want to do easily and
5. Set productivity time blocks and use them effectively. You know what all the time in the clock that is created is to make your life disciplined. It is to give you some sort of organization and so feel you organized and productive. There is no time management. There is time maximization and you have to maximize your time to live beneficially. Check out the article to learn more about time maximization - How to manage time better? How to maximize time availability?
Your success is
based on what you do in the designated block of time. The best example is that
when we have to do something major important for which we are given a month to
complete that work but we are only productive during the last week, why? That
is because of the deadline. As our brain knows that we have to do this
important work and if we will not do it then we will have major loss so we have
to follow the deadline. This deadline (the time or the day) signals our brain
that now we have to stop being lazy and complete the work before it’s too late.
Use small blocks
of time to be productive and it is a productivity habit you will always
appreciate having. These blocks of time are very important to make your brain
focus on high priority tasks and bring fruitfulness in your life.
Focus on learning.
Working hard is actually not the key for success. The key is working hard to learn that is what makes you gainer of knowledge and then when you apply what you've learnt effectively, you see your life improving and going into a better direction. It also improves your self-worth and your value in your own eyes. Always accept what you learnt and share with others to help them improve their lives too. It's up to them that they accept the knowledge you provided them or not but you will feel great and happy that you are helping others and sharing your knowledge or what you learnt with them, that’s how you will serve others. Also Read the article Be selfish to learn to become successful.
Become an enemy
to procrastination. You have dreams
which you want to see become reality, you may have super ideas which you know
if you apply rightly will bring happiness to you and others around you whom you
truly love and value, you have hobbies you want to follow which provides you happiness
but you just don't do anything about it at all just because your enemy “Procrastination”.
Defeat this enemy
whenever it appears in front of you in your mind, before it defeats you and
stops you to become what you are meant to become and created to become
according to the Creator's plan.
Listen to your
inner self. You have all the
answers you need already inside you; the outer sources are just reminders.
Don't go against your inner self ever, listen to it and follow it. Your
intuition is always right for you.
Just do the work, repeat and be consistent. Just do what you have to
do. Only planning, planning, planning won't give you the result you are looking
for. It is not going to work; it is not going to bring the amazing desirable
results you want to see. Just decide what you want to do and do it.
10. Control yourself, use control over your language to yourself and others. Language and words have immense power to change the life of oneself and others so use the power of words wisely and positively. Change your language patterns. Be aware and alert when you use negative language patterns. Always try to genuinely be positive by thinking positive, also by having gratitude in your language. It will bring wonderful results in every aspect of your life and positivity all around you.