What is the power of VISUALIZATION? 12 tips to use visualization to achieve your desired goals, transform yourself and your life.
is all about having mental images, viewing, feeling and living your desire
as if it's absolutely real. It is nothing but the power or ability given to us
by the divine to see in our mind what we want in reality in our life and if
visualized well putting the right intentions to work then we can even feel the
emotions as if it is absolutely real.
visualization can be used negatively too for some wrong or harmful purpose but
let me tell you that it is so POWERFUL
that it can create harmful negative energy inside you that it can destroy you
only. So it is best to always use the power of visualization to achieve your
desired goals to not only transform your own life but also the lives of others
as it is not less than a BLESSING
given to us by God. It is a great technique through which you can create images
or presentation about your thoughts and feel it.
You can
successfully turn it into reality for yourself and others through your
intentions and actions. As it helps you to feel the emotions about the thought
you are thinking and visualizing, it also helps you to have directions about
that thought that whether it is good or not good for you and others and whether
you're on the right path towards achieving your goal or your actions are
aligned with your purpose.
Here are
some tips given bellow which you can learnt and apply to use the power of
visualization to achieve your desired goals and transform yourself and your
life. And also help others as well to become better and fulfill their purpose
and live life to the fullest.
1. Get out of the familiar past to avoid experiencing
the expected future which will similar as your past was. Overthinking about your past will keep you stuck and also may create the same future or even present if you want change and achieve new goals and transform your life. Have clear
intention about your future to visualize it better and believe on the pictures
you see about your desired future through visualization to be true.
2. Create your reality by feeling your vision
as if it is reality then practically experience it. Your intentions creates
your thoughts, your thoughts create mental images in your mind about those thoughts and that create your reality. Feel without fear through the help
of visualization. Example, you may have a goal of meeting a famous well
established person who may have been your inspiration from a log time,
visualize without any doubt and feel the emotions fully that you are meeting
that person to make it real.
and let yourself see all the details about that vision. Create it in your mind
the details you would like to see and experience like you are wearing your best
outfit and you shake hand with the person they smiled and greeted you etc.
visualize happily and freely. And if you feel fear or have any negative
thoughts then forgive yourself but saying “I forgive myself” and then continue
to visualize your beautiful vision and feel the positive energy.
3. Keep your mind open to the possibilities
life has to offer to you. The opportunities coming your way as those can be the
steps towards achieving you goals and signs that your visualization is turning
into reality. Don't at all limit yourself having unnecessary doubts or mental
4. Create your own vision board which includes
everything related to you goal which will remind about the visualization
you had about your goal or desire. The vision board should be made with something
that is full of inspiration as when you see it your motivation level goes up
and you feel inspired. It must make you feel excited. It will activate
motivation in you and help you to move towards the direction of achieving your
5. Try to feel your visualization using your senses. Play repeated views of your goal in your mind. Allow all your senses to feel your desire. For example, your desire is to have a bigger house so try to imagine as if you already have it and go to the market for window shopping of the furniture you would like to have in that dream house. Buy linen you would like to have on your bed and feel it how soothing is it.
Do small
things which will give the feeling of that dream or desire to be true which
involves your senses. Draw paintings if you enjoy painting you would like to
see on the walls of your bigger beautiful house. This will give you short time experience
of having what you want. Also will attract ways through which this will
become reality.
6. Believe in yourself as that is most important. What you believe about yourself at the end of the day that only matters. Without belief in yourself nothing else will work. Be your own cheerleader in life with self-love and Self-belief. Design habits, routines, systems to slowly shift your belief system into positive one which take you close to your vision of your desire.
Choose right positive words to say about
yourself when you see yourself in the mirror. Say positive inspiring
self-affirmations which works for you such as “I am worthy of the amazing life I
have”, “I am self-sufficient”, “I am blessed” etc. Shift self-doubt to the
energy of self-belief.
7. Practice Gratitude about the visualization
because it means you have already received what you wish for and that is
why you are able to appreciate having it
and being grateful about it.
8. Break negative patterns and old habits which
stops your visualization to become reality. Don't try to run away from old
patterns which may be instilled in your mind since childhood as it will be just
a temporary solution, so instead create new program or pattern to deal with it.
For example, drinking excess of soft drinks daily with food is an old habit you
have. Change it with new one new pattern that is drinking warm lemon water
daily breaking the old pattern you may had.
9. Stay flexible and detached with “how” the
vision become reality. The version of it becoming true can be different
than that of the visualization. For example, you have a goal of becoming a
renowned author and visualize about becoming one and you may thought it can
only happened by writing just hard copy books but nowadays it is well known
that it can also happen by creating digital books and articles, so hence the goal
can be achieved differently too.
10. Give instruction to your brain to view your
vision positively. Be aware if you are thinking any doubtful thoughts about
your visualization or not and if doing so than command yourself to have next best
thought which is positive about your visualization. Set yourself free to
visualize and feel good about it. Your visualization to achieve your goals are
meant to bring the feeling of confidence in you.
11. Have a good morning routine for yourself.
It will help you to protect and direct for the rest of the day. Create specific
place to do some healthy activities on daily basis even it is a small corner to
sit in your room because that place will remind you to do the same practices
you have assigned that placed for and do everything at same time to make it a
routine to do so. You can practice gratitude, self-affirmations, journaling, reading,
meditation, watering your plants and exercising.
12. Have passion about your vision and create
your goal according to that. For example, If you visualized to become a
successful football player for your country but you are not passionate about it
or you have no determination to work on yourself, do proper training for it
then the visualization holds no power but if you're passionate about that
vision you have and create your goals accordingly like to exercise one hour
daily, taking proper diet and eliminating unhealthy eating habits etc. then the
vision has power and it can become reality.