Consistency is the key to achieve any big goal in life. The process of attainment of your goals first starts with a promise to yourself that you will work on your goal everyday with determination, loyalty and commitment. Consistently working on your goals that is showing up every day and putting in the time and effort towards achieving your goals is one of the most important factors to achieve success.


So if you want to achieve your goals then you have to master consistency and see your goals as mandatory not optional and work on achieving your goals consistently every day in order to accomplish them.

9 ways to help you start mastering consistency to achieve your goals so you can succeed in life:-

1.  Make a plan which is flexible too – make a plan about what steps you will take to move forward towards your goal.

Also write down a timeline that includes your start, your end and exactly what action you are going to take to reach your goal.

For example, if you are goal is losing 20 Pounds body weight then decide what kind of exercise routine you are going to do, what kind of nutrition plan you are going to follow and so on.

2. Be accountable to someone – when you are accountable to somebody about doing a particular work or task then you feel more responsible to complete it.

For example, when a boss tells an employee to work on a project and submit the reports related to it at a specific time at the end of the office time of the day, the employee feels accountable to do it on time and avoid neglecting it even if the project may not be of his/her interest.

 So to work on your goal consistently you should tell someone about what work you did related to your goal during the day to stay accountable about it and if possible make sure to tell about it to someone who is trust worthy and who wants you to succeed in life and encourages you to keep working towards achieving your goals.

The person can be your parent or best friend or any loved one or a professional partner who wants you too to do good in life and in your profession.


3. Keep time assigned just to work on your goals - One mistake a lot of people make when setting goals is forgetting to set block out time to actually work on them. Let's say your goal is to start selling paintings online, for that you will need to paint a large body of work to sell so you might plan to spend two hours painting every day from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Now those two hours cannot be used for anything else 9 to 11 is only for painting you cannot plan to do anything else within those two hours. So you have no excuse to avoid doing it!

4. Just think about the present moment only - if you have set ambitious goals to achieve for yourself it can be easy to think about how you will work on your goals tomorrow or the next week or the next month. But don't let yourself get caught thinking about the future. Thinking too much about the future can get overwhelming and make it more likely for you to quit working on your goals. So only think about the present because that actually matter and what you are going to do with it, how you are going to be consistent RIGHT NOW?

5. Don't see work as optional task – when you recognize that your brain is trying to negotiate with you to make excuses to avoid working on your goals then instantly stop yourself from doing so.

 As your goals are not optional for you, similarly the efforts to achieve them are also not optional at all. Write them down on sticky notes and put them on your mirror. Set a repeating alarm on your phone and title it to work on your goal right now.

6. Keep your goal written in front of you or make it visible to you all the time – whenever you see your goal, remind yourself the purpose or reason you created it and why you want to achieve it at the first place and feel the emotions of achieving it that is imagine what it feel like you if you accomplish your goal. This will really motivate you to stay connected to your goal emotionally as and stay consistent working on it successfully too.

7. Don’t let failures stop you anyway – Failures are noting but learning lessons on the journey to achieve success. So don’t be overwhelmed by failures or mistakes stop you, just learn from them and don’t repeat the mistake again and do better next time.

8. Create habit of working on your goal – you consistently do a task automatically when it is a habit and don’t even think about it before doing such as brushing your teeth because you do it every day so you have become habitual of doing it. Same way if you adapt repetition of working on your goal every day on the same time, it will become a habit of yours and naturally you will become consistent on working on it.

9. Create mini targets – mini targets are small goals within your larger goals that help you see how much progress you are making because the key to succeed is doing little things well and they really do matter when it comes to being consistent about working on your goals.

If your goal is to wake up at 5:30 a.m. in every day then you must first try to wake up at least 15 minutes earlier each day than at the time you usually get out of bed in the morning.

Celebrate achieving your mini targets as every step forward is being successful reaching your goals. That’s how you will stay aware that you are making progress and won't lose confidence easily.


These were some ways which can help anybody to consistently work on their goals and accomplish them successfully. Kindly tell in comment section to help me and also our other readers to know more ways about which you that can help to stay focused and achieve consistency to work on achieving goals.


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