For example, book “How to win friends and influence
people” which is still a best seller category book because Book released in 1936” How to
influence people" is still a best seller book because still people buy
this book and reads it. Likewise classic cartoon series which we all watched in
our childhood and maybe even in adulthood “Tom and Jerry" is a perennial
seller. In the whole world there are many such products which are perennial
seller which means people still buy those buy even after so many years.
Ryan Holiday the author of “Perennial Seller" has studied such products and what is the reason that these products keep on selling for so many years and has developed loyal customers.
After long-term of research and study Ryan Holiday was able to find out the most common reason or principle on which the long life of these perennial products is based and that is "word of mouth".
Word of mouth means public share information about your product personally. But for that the product has to be designed according to three principles in order to make it a word of mouth product for people and perennial seller. Those three principles are :
(1) Make the product timeless - the product should be able to solve timeless problem of others like in Dale Carnegie's book " How to won friends and influence people" still gets sold because it helps to solve a timeless problem that is social anxiety.
People still feel social anxiety and
may find answer or solution to this problem in future too through the help of
this booking reading it so this book still sells, was sold in the past and may
sell in the future being a perennial seller as it helps in solving timeless
problem of social anxiety.
While building your product ask a question to yourself that why people would like to buy my product after 10 years or why would they refer my product to others, by doing so you will be able to find that is your product is able to help a timeless problem or need of people.
For example building a
budgeting app an app developer will find the answer why would people buy it and
the answer may be that the app will help people to spend rationally and save
more so this is how the app developer will help others through his/her app
solve the problem of saving more money and spending less and mindfully.
(2) Make the product Specific - people will buy only those products which they love and which they feel is made specifically for them and then they will automatically use the word of mouth and refer the product to others.
This is the most amazing and powerful strategy where your customers or
buyers will be doing marketing of your product to people because they loved it
and connect to it as they feel that it is made specifically for them and is
highly useful.
(3) make the product Accessible - As they're so much information us on internet available for free, but we don't use it as we know about it and hence don't have access to it.
For example, on YouTube there
are millions of subscribers of TEDx
Talks, if it would not
have been so easily accessible than it may not had so many subscribers. As it
is so easily accessible and free, people watch it and subscribe to it and even
share it. That is why all major companies have been able to grow because they
made their products available to each type of customers even in villages in
different quantities and low affordable prices.
So these were the three principles of word of mouth to make product a perennial seller. Now the question arises in our mind that how to make our product a product of "word of mouth" that is timeless, specific and accessible.
This can be done through making and marketing.
In the making of the product from the beginning of the making process you must focus on the making of the product a perennial seller keeping in mind the principles explained above and you should personally be involved in the making of it.
Making is the most important step because if the product
itself is not good than the product will not be able to survive in the market
even with high strategy of marketing.
You should focus on creating audience for your product rather than focusing on creating money. Nowadays high achieving You Tubers also says that they just wanted to connect with people science beginning and still wants to do the same after achieving so much and money follows.
So perennial products keeps on selling because of word of mouth as it is timeless, specific and accessible.