Become a Morning person with healthy MORNING ROUTINE -15 morning routine habits to have.

Have you ever thought of becoming a morning person and creating your own healthy morning routine?

A morning person is said to be the one who uses the mornings healthily and productively. To be or to become a morning person is not a simple task and is easier said than done and may not be natural to everyone.

Some people are naturally morning people who like to wake up early in the mornings and follow their well-set routine which they maybe following from past many years.

I have such people in my life too. My childhood best friend used to wake up early in the morning without even an alarm clock to wake her up when we were in school. Even my father is a natural morning person who wakes up early on same time in the morning and follows his morning schedule religiously every day.


But some people or I may say mostly nowadays because of unhealthy schedule and lifestyle are not morning persons who struggle to utilize their mornings successfully and I was one of them too. It is a fact that most morning strugglers who may say that they don't like mornings would secretly want to become morning people and have a relaxing and productive morning routine.


Let's first learn why it is important to be a morning person or have a good morning routine?



1. Having a morning routine sets the tone for a productive day.

2. It helps you feel that you have more control of the day rather than random events happening during the day which may ruin your mood.

3. It is a healthy way of starting a new day rather than wasting the morning in sleeping or doing unnecessary things like surfing the social media.

4. It helps to complete a lot of your important tasks for the day which may be part of a routine but are very important such as eating a healthy breakfast at the right time.

5. Setting and following a morning routine gives you a sense of self-discipline.

6. It helps to have a clear mind especially if you practice meditation or journaling during that time.

7. Good for overall health because it reduces stress as it gives you a lot of time to complete your tasks and prevents you from feeling that you are doing everything in a hurry and also you have time to practice self-care habits.

8. Improves your focus and lets you concentrate on the positives rather than just reacting to life.

9. Gives you enough time to plan your day and make your to-do list for that day.

10. Let’s you have your "me time" and enjoy it. Observe your life and feel grateful for life and about every blessing you have.


15 healthy morning routine habits to have:

1. Drink water and hydrate yourself. People don't give enough importance to drinking sufficient amount of water daily especially in the mornings. It is essential for physical as well as mental health.

2. Journaling your thoughts. The best way to keep your mind clear and also prevent overthinking.

3. Pray and talk to God. Talk to God, God always listens. Talk unfiltered, besides from journaling this is the best way to make your mind more clear about your thoughts.

4. Practice Gratitude. It is the best weapon against stress and lets you focus on abundance you have in life rather than focusing on lack.

5. Make your bed and do a quick organization of your room. According to me it is the first step of daily discipline.

6. Cook and eat a healthy, happy breakfast. When you cook your meal for yourself, you put more thought into it as you know best what is good for your body.

7. Do meditation. It will help you to feel more relaxed and also be in present moment.

8. Do any type of exercise. May it be just stretching, walking, or jumping rope or something fun like dancing or mix of every workout activity you like or prefer to do for few minutes. Exercise for a specific time not excessively.

9. Make a quick to-do list for the day including all the tasks you want to complete that day and prioritize it keeping the most important task at the top.

10. Read few pages of a book or listen to a motivational and knowledgeable podcast or audiobook.

11. Say or write uplifting and positive self-affirmations. It helps to create optimistic thoughts and opinions about yourself in your mind and increases your confidence too.

12. Practice visualization. Create pictures of the day you want to experience in your mind and feel thankful about it as if it is really happening.

13. Shower, dress up and groom yourself to feel good about how you look and feel good about your body.

14. Water the plants and feed the pets as they are important part of your life and you must care about them as may care about your other loved ones.

15. Sit in silence for a while, spend time with yourself and enjoy a cup of tea or lemon water or a smoothie.

Morning is the time when you should appreciate everything you are blessed with. Not everybody gets to see the next morning and if you are blessed to experience another morning then it means many other great things are  about to happen if your present life is already great and if not then it is a new opportunity to change your life make it great.


5 tips to become a morning person and have a healthy morning routine?

1. To become a morning person first you should have a healthy night routine and good sleeping habits so that you can wake up in the morning and have a morning routine.


2. The first thing you do when waking up in the after a good night sleep is to tell yourself that you can become a morning person and commit to yourself to utilize your morning as a new day and new opportunity to better life and improved "you".


3. The next is to be thankful for the morning and life you have been given and feel grateful about the day and be determined to make it a great day yourself.


4. Make you quick to-do-list of what needs to be done in the morning. For example, breakfast, journaling, exercising etc.


5. Follow your to do list well as direction for the day and complete each task one by one. And don't forget to give yourself tiny breaks and reward yourself.


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