

The book “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” by author Mr. Robin  Sharma has many teachings for all us to learn and according to me the best part in this book are the Seven Principles/virtues about life, wisdom and self-improvement which has been explained with the help of a short story which includes a garden, lighthouse, sumo wrestler, rope, golden watch, roses, path of diamonds. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari has been great to learn from and here in this article I am sharing with you what I understood and learnt about those seven principles which is the most important part of this book and can help us live life in a better way and also achieve our goals and gain success, so keep reading to know more… The Seven Principles 1. The Garden - When someone spreads dirt or waste or even any kind of noise in your beautiful garden then the Garden becomes messy and dirty. The garden in the story represents your mind. If your mind is filled with negativity, tensions, useless knowledge and...


You do have enough time.  Understand what happens when you remind yourself that you do have enough time available to you for everything yo want to do achieve in life. Yesterday I was thinking of doing household chores which have been pending for the last four days as my father was unwell and I was busy taking care of him. I was feeling so exhausted thinking that I have so much work to do at this time also when I am working from home where home is also an office and we delay carrying out official work due to distractions at home. And then I got a call from my best friend who lives in another state that she is going to come to meet me and my family tomorrow at my place. I was really happy that she was about to come to meet me but I started feeling more overwhelm that I have to clean the house and make it organized. The night of that day I didn't slept properly because of all the thoughts coming into my mind about cleaning my house, cooking lunch, doing other ho...


There are different definitions of Law of Attraction to different people and their definition depends upon what their experiences had been or what their beliefs are about the Law of Attraction. To me in simple words it implies that what you think about and give energy to using your thoughts, words and actions you attract it towards you in real life . You make it a reality for you. It can be something desirable or undesirable but this law always keeps on working and you keep attracting things, people and events matching your thoughts. You may receive the result in a second, minute, day; month or years but you will receive it. It depends on how strong and non-resistant your belief is. That’s how some people with faith in divine, positivity, consistency and meditation recover from chronic diseases which wasn’t possible when they were only focusing on what bad was happening with them. This law has always been here in the universe and we all are using it since we are born ...


10 super effective habits to change your life.   Habits are the key to become a winner or a looser. When you choose to embrace and follow positive effective habits you give yourself direction to become your highest self and not only you make your own life a lot better but you help others as well to become better.  Practicing good and effective habits is a way to show care for oneself and to everybody you care for. Sharing with you 10 effective habits which if you adapt effectively will change your life in fantastic way and bring abundance to you.   1.      Meditate daily . Meditating daily is a great way to enhance your physical and mental health. I think it is best that you do meditation daily for at least 15 minutes or if you feel good you can do it for more time and feel yourself in the present moment being new you, relaxed and refreshed.   2.      Have a productive task list for the week . Make a...


1. Be more considerate to yourself and others. Show sensitivity towards them whenever required. 2. Instead of being jealous of people about what they have or what they have received or achieved, learn from their achievements and appreciate them . 3. Be yourself, don't try to act like someone you are not or relate to don't relate to. You can surely feel inspired from someone you admire but don't start acting like them suddenly and just try to learn and adapt what you find inspiring about them such as their confidence, their communication skills etc. 4. Let go. Don't hold on to a situation for too long, if something good has happened be grateful about it. Enjoy with people or alone by giving yourself reward and then move on to the next best thing to happen, just keep moving mentally too. Similarly if something unfavorable has happened, again don't hold it just learn from it and move on. Trust the process and enjoy the journey. 5. Don't be...