Signs of a fake friend: how to identify one and protect yourself from them? How to move on from fake friendship?


Signs of a fake friend: how to identify one and protect yourself from them?
Signs of a fake friend: how to identify one and protect yourself from them? How to move on from toxic/fake friendship?

Topics included :-

What is a fake friend? 

10 common signs of fake friends.

How to protect yourself from fake friends?

how to move on from a fake/toxic friendship?


Having genuine friends who love and support you and want just your wellbeing is one of the most important things in life. They make our lives better and more gratifying. Everyone wants to have genuine friends in their lives. Friends who are there for you through thick and thin, who support you and make you feel good about yourself. However, not all friendships are equal. They are those who are only pretending to be your friends or who are only interested in what they can get from you., and these are the ones we need to be wary of. They are the fake friends.

What/who is a fake friend? 

What is a fake friend?
What/who is a fake friend?

Basically fake friends are those people who shoes themselves as your friend and you just believe that they are your good friends when they are really not.

It is important for you to protect yourself such a person who is acting intentionally or unintentionally to be your friend as it will directly or indirectly harm you especially emotionally.

 A fake friend is someone who is not genuine in their friendship. They may be only interested in what they can get out of you, or they may simply be using you to make themselves look good. Fake friends can be toxic to your well-being and it is important to be able to identify them so that you can protect yourself and also move on from such fake friendship.

Here are 10 common signs of fake friends:

It's important to be able to identify fake friends so that you can protect yourself from their harmful behavior. Here are 10 signs of  fake friends:
1.     They only (or mostly) talk about themselves - A true friend is interested in you and your life. They do like to share with you what's going on in their life but they are also genuinely interested and want to know what's going on with you and they're always there to listen. A fake friend, on the other hand, only talks about themselves mostly.

They may sometimes ask you about you but just as formality because they really not care about you. They're always the center of attention and they don't care about what you have to say.

2.     They are always asking for favors, but they never return the favor - They're always there when they need something, but not when you need them. A true friend try to be there for you, even when they are facing any difficult situation in life they try to support you any way they can. They're there to celebrate your successes and they're there to pick you up when you're down. A fake friend, on the other hand, is only there when they need something from you or want you to do something for them.

3.     They are always gossiping about others - They're always gossiping. A true friend doesn't talk about other people behind their backs. They know that gossip is hurtful and they avoid it. A fake friend, on the other hand, is always gossiping. They love to spread rumors and talk about people in a negative way.

4.     They are only there for you when it is convenient for them - They're always making excuses. A true friend is reliable. They keep their promises and they're always there when you need them. A fake friend is always making excuses. They're always late, they're always canceling plans, and they're never there even when they said they will be present.

5.     They are critical of you and your choices - They're always talking about your flaws and never genuinely praising you. A true friend accepts and appreciates you for who you are that is they not only accepts your strengths but also your weaknesses and supports you in improving yourself. They love you for your flaws and they don't try to change you but helps you to become a better version of you. A fake friend is always talking about your flaws and doesn’t help you to improve yourself. They try to change you and want you to be the way they want.

6.     They make you feel bad about yourself - A true friend builds you up and gives you confidence. They make you feel good about yourself and they encourage you to be the best version of yourself. A fake friend, on the other hand, puts you down. They make you feel bad about yourself and they try to tear you down.

7.     They are always trying to one-up you -  A true friend is happy for your successes. They're proud of you and they want the best for you. A fake friend, on the other hand, is always comparing themselves to you and often jealous of you. They're not really happy for your successes as they show they are and they're always trying to one-up you.

8.     They lie to you or betray your trust and they are quite manipulative, sometimes beyond your thoughts and imagination.

9.     They are only interested in your money or possessions - A true friend is there to help you without asking anything in return as they feel happy when you are happy. A fake friend, on the other hand, is always trying to take advantage of you. They'll use you for your money, your time, or your resources. They may ask you for your favorite things in the name of your friendship.

10.  They are always creating drama - They're mostly talk about other people behind their backs exaggeratedly. A fake friend in a minute can tell you that you are the best thing happened to them in the world when you are of any use to them and when they don’t need you they will dramatically make you feel that you never valued their friendship or them even when you always cared about them and valued them. Same way they will talk about you to others.

How to protect yourself from fake friends?

If you think you may have a fake friend, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself:

1.     Firstly be honest with yourself about the nature of the friendship.

2.     Set boundaries and expectations. Let the person know what you're not willing to tolerate.

3.     Trust your gut instinct. If you have a feeling that someone is not being genuine, it is probably right.

4.     Pay attention to their actions, not just their words. Fake friends are often all talk and no action.

5.     Don't be afraid to ask for help from others. If you are concerned about a friendship, talk to a trusted friend or family member.

6.     Don't be afraid to walk away from the friendship if necessary. If the person is not willing to change, it's time to end the friendship.

7.     Surround yourself with true friends who love and support you. Surround yourself with genuine friends who make you feel good about yourself and who are honest to you about yourself. Who likes you to grow in life and wishes always for your wellbeing.
Here are some tips on how to move on from a fake/toxic friendship?:

how to move on from a fake friendship?
how to move on from a fake/toxic friendship?

1.     Accept that the friendship is over. This may be the hardest part, but it's important to acknowledge that the friendship is no longer healthy for you. It is okay to grieve the loss of the friendship, but don't let it hold you back from moving on.

2.     Cut off contact with your fake friend. This means blocking them on social media, deleting their number from your phone, and avoiding them in person. It's important to create some distance between you and your fake friend so that you can start to heal.

3.     Allow yourself to feel your emotions. It's normal to feel sad, angry, or hurt after ending a friendship. Don't try to bottle up your emotions. Allow yourself to feel them and then let them go.

4.     Focus on yourself. Just invest time in yourself and your own happiness. Do something nice for yourself. This could be anything from reading a book, meditating, playing with your pet, grooming yourself or doing gardening. Taking care of yourself will help you feel better and boost your self-esteem.

5.     Write down your thoughts and feelings. Journaling will help you focus on the things which are important. Also read : 

6.     Talk to a trusted friend or family member about what you think and how you feel as know you and understand you.

Moving on from a toxic friendship takes time and effort, but it is possible. Be patient with yourself and don't give up.


Fake friends can be a real problem, but it is important to remember that not all friendships are created equal. By being aware of the signs of a fake friend, you can protect yourself from being taken advantage of. And by surrounding yourself with true friends, you can create a strong and supportive network of people who will always be there for you. Remember, true friendship is a gift. Don't waste your time on fake friends who will only bring you down and use you for their convenience as you deserve to have real friends in your life who are exactly family outside family.


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