
Life Rules

Here in this article I am sharing some of my life rules which I learnt and some of which I made for myself to become a Better person so that I can better conduct myself. Some of these I learnt from unfair treatment from people around me and some I realized  from failures. You can also adapt these and apply in your day-to-day life easily and mindfully. ‍‍‍‍ Work hard smartly in the present and make your present life successful. Like we already know that the past is already gone and practically it isn’t here but most of us still live in the past and just keep thinking about the future when we know that nobody knows the future really except God some gifted physics so because of that we have to realize that what we actually have is present and make most of it. Learn from the past mistakes and do hard work smartly in your present without limiting yourself to make your life blissful. When you complete your tasks smartly saving your time and energy you feel happy and content...

How to focus on current task? What are the useful ways to effectively focus on your current work and avoid distractions? How to your improve focus?

  How to focus on current task? You may have felt like there is so much to do and you feel overwhelmed about the situation and then you think about the what task you will do first then exactly what happened is 1 hour goes by and you are still thinking and later in the evening you have a kind of a guilt that you didn't do anything productive today which was very much important but just because of confusion and lack of focus you couldn't complete any of your important tasks.   ‍‍‍‍Here I am going to share with you about how I focus on the immediate work or task I am doing so that if you find them useful then you can apply them too in your life and improve your focus. I have found these useful ways after experiencing lots of distractions and failures while focusing on the task in hand. Sharing with you what I do and hopefully you can do to focus on the activity I am presently doing or wish to complete:- Also read – “ Do what you must be doing presently. How to complete...

How to manage time better? How to maximize time availability?

  Well, people always talk about time management, even in our academic years and also in career we are always taught about time management. But  have you ever thought that can time be really managed? ... By thinking deeply about this you'll realize time just goes by and cannot be managed as you can only manage things on which you can have control but on time we don't have any control. Whatever the situation will be, time just keeps walking its own path with its own speed so I have learnt time actually can't be managed.  But  the best thing related to time is that it can be utilized properly to bring productivity in our lives.      We all have the same amount of time available to us in a day and to utilize that time properly and productively is called  time maximization  that is full optimization of time to reach our goals or for improvement of self and others.  So let me share with you what I have learnt about how we can maxi...


What to do when you can't sleep at night having different thoughts?#present situation ‍‍‍It happens with me most of the time that at night my brain does not just wants to sleep and so any thoughts about various aspects keeps coming inside my head and I pray to God for peaceful sleep. To let you know, no I don't have insomnia but I have an active brain which sometimes doesn't let my thought process to shut down. So coming back to the question what to do when you cannot just sleep at night due to various thought? ... To find the answer first you have to ask why you are not feeling sleepy yet. Answer lies in different questions which you may ask yourself. Example ... Did I slept in the morning or during day time? Did I have to do a task which I haven't been able to do which is creating so many thoughts about it and I may feel calm only after I complete it? Did I ate too much or too less because of which I am facing trouble in sleep tonight? So like this yo...


‍‍‍‍‍‍ Feeling stressed is a part and parcel of life but stress can lead to various issues in personal and professional life and mainly can harm your health. Now days at an early age people suffer from hypertension, anxiety and even depression due to stress. There are many daily events that cause stress, including a traffic jam, having to wake up early in the morning and your scolding boss. Since there is no escaping them, we need to acquire better coping skills to overcome the stressors in life and taking breaks from our stressful lifestyle is the only way you can manage stress.  There are some simple and natural ways by which you can do so and those are as follows:- (1) Listen to music - listen to music daily is very helpful to reduce stress and even it helps you sleep better. Some people prefer listening to soothing classical or melody songs before going to sleep as it helps them reducing whole day's stress and make them feel relaxed.    Music therapy h...